Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Class 11/7

“Advertisers will want, more generally, to avoid programs with serious complexities and disturbing controversies that interfere with the buying mood.” This quote by Herman and Chomsky I think really makes sense. On television you are going to attract viewers by not showing images, scenes, or have themes that are ignorant, disturbing, or controversial because people don’t always respond well to these sorts of things. By creating a show that is happy or pleasant and will never cause a viewer to be unhappy after a show will cause the viewer to want to continue watching more. I think a great example of this is the show, Full House. This show was on for so many years and had so many seasons. Every episode had a theme and taught a life lesson. That family dynamics, and the good nature of the show is what kept viewers watching as we got to see the characters grow up on television. Also when shows like this air, advertisers will want to show their product during these programs because of the positive response they get to them.

TV news, “suits everybody because it confirms what they already know and above all leaves their mental structures intact.” This quote is by Bordieu. At home I watch the local news a lot, and when I watch it I do observe these patterns in the way stories are told. There is always sports, weather, crime, and it usually ends on a feel good story. Like we said in class though, the murders and awful things we hear about on the news, we just listen to and just avoid those areas, rather then trying to change anything or really do anything about the tragedies. Also because it is just a short news segment they don’t spend nearly enough time on these types of issues

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