Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cixous & Butler

I didn’t do the correct assignment but I’ll still blog. This weekend the issue of gender equality came up in regular conversation with some friends of mine. One of my friends was really interested in the MRA the Men’s Rights Association. From what I gather from my friend it’s a bunch of men not realizing their privilege. He talked about how unfair it is to be a man sometimes, and I did not want to get into this discussion. Last year I took a women’s studies course so my knowledge of this issue is grounded historically and culturally meanwhile he literally had only read a couple blogs and felt as though he was an expert. I do like “As a woman, I could be obsessed by the scepter’s shadow, and told hey me: adore it, that thing you don’t wield” this quote is a woman’s perspective of the patriarchal society we live in, she is using the scepter’s shadow as a metaphor for man’s power as well as his genitals because that’s where his power supposedly is. “But at the same time, man has been given the grotesque and enviable fate of being reduced to a single idol with clay balls” I think this is a good juxtaposition of the ways men power is viewed.  Another thing pointed out in class that I liked was the difference between appreciation and appropriation in reference to Hip Hop and urban culture I believe there is a fine line between the two. I do believe in a suburban white culture you can find both of these. There is the appropriated side where people are wearing big clothes, sagging their pants and echoing things they see and hear in Hip Hop but don’t really understand it or why. There also the appreciation side of it where they know where it comes from and emulate the culture which can be through dressing the same way, but they actually understand the culture.

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