Thursday, November 29, 2012

Post Blog Appadurai

Today in Class we discussed our readings on Arjun Appadurai. There are phrases, quotes and ideas in this piece that resonate with me.  Two of the phrases were Disorganized capitalism and Path Dependency. I believe both of these conditions are caused by the structures that hold capitalism up. Something like path dependency, which is when we blindly follow the trend and even if, its not right path we still stay on it. Also Disorganized Capitalism is just as it sounds, capitalism but disorganized or not right. In class we heard an example about how Florida is the top grower of tomatoes in the US but how its one of the worst places to grow tomatoes. Also the scapes Apadurai had mentioned all about understood the structures of different landscapes. When dealing with media scape you must understand its power structures. You must be able to identify biasness so that you can look at the gaps in the text like Mache ray or Derrida. In this clip John Stewart points out Fox News’s bias, he sees the biasedness and is aware of his media landscape. Overall i learned a lot more in this semester than i thought i would. The first couple of days i was worried about learning theorist. But all turned out well and i learned a lot, hopefully i can bring up critical theory in other classes besides John Stewart Economics

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