Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Post Class Monday 11/12

In class on Monday we discussed Derrida’s reading “Differance” and Foucault’s “The Panopticon” I liked Derrida’s take on “minding the gap” but re stating a bigger broader picture. Don’t just mind the gaps inside but also outside. “Everything Begins with a gap” this is interesting but it kind of expresses notions of skepticism or being a very active reader and thinker. Like taking more pleasure in the text going back to Jouissance. Also a big concept was Difference. “Everything in our language is defined by difference.” This is very true when you combine this quote and “There never has been and never will be a unique word, a master name.” Together it suggests how unstable language is. The forever fluctuating meanings are bound to culture, as culture changes so does language I believe this is where Derrida gets his thoughts of language being a deferring of meaning.  Foucault’s views on surveillance were pretty interesting as well. “The Gaze is alert everywhere” I have read a lot about surveillance and big brother for other classes, in CMC 350 I worked with the GPFF to create a marketing campaign about surveillance. It is always interesting to question how long big brother’s arm extends (Here is the trailer for[Official Trailer: The After Party (The Last Party 3)])

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