Sunday, November 11, 2012

pre class 9/12

I found the writing of Michel Foucault difficult to understand. The man focus of the essay is about the plague, and how that effected and influenced the seventeenth century. Everyone in society is given or falls into a certain place, or given a certain place in our world. He discusses how this then provides separation and distinction between individuals such as sick and healthy or normal and abnormal or mad and sane. During the time of the plague, people were placed in certain areas and were stuck there where they were assigned. They then had to tell the "truth" about their condition and how they were doing during and after the plague. The rooms were all sprayed with perfumes to try and rid the plague and keep the people healthy. All the windows, doors, and keyholes were sealed with wax so that nothing could get in. Basically everyone was quarantined.  The city was still governed, but individuals were forced to live on their own and weren't around others who were different. I think this is how the separation of people became so strong because they weren't banned together. "The plague is met by order; its function is to sort out every possible confusion: that of the evil, which is increased when fear and death overcome prohibitions." The picture below I found online. It is of a house where people were being treated when they became infected by the plague. Drawings are the only depictions we can see because their was no technology then to record anything. 

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