Sunday, November 4, 2012

Post Class- Herman & Chomsky

I actually missed this class due to traveling so what I've gained from this reading I've applied to other blogs posted by students who were in this class discussion. One in particular that caught my eye was Anita Cox's posting about Disney buying Lucas films...

"Evan pointed out and that being Disney buying Lucas films. This news is something that snowballs into the Herman and Chomsky piece as in turn continues to give Disney a commanding position in the world of fantasy movies after acquiring Lucasfilm from its founder, George Lucas, for $4.05 billion in stock and cash. We notice from the reading the small numbers of companies that dominate mass media and ultimately the world, in a sense."  (Anita Cox)

In the article Herman and Chomsky focus a lot of their attention on news, which I previously discussed in relation to my uncle being a newscaster and the point of view I've gained through watching him, but how could I have not brought up Disney when they rule such a large portion of our media. Think about it, Disney has a stake in almost every single media outlet available- whether that be their television channel, theme parks, web pages, ancillary markets, and the list goes on and on. 

I would say the best example, from my perspective as a girl growing up in the world of Disney films and Disney culture, is the saturation of Disney princesses within young girls lifestyles. I think I speak on behalf of a huge population of females when I say that I grew up believing in a fairy tail set by these lovely cartoon ladies in crowns. The media disperses this ideal fantasy in order to function the ancillary market and turn profits in other realms than film. 

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