Friday, November 9, 2012

Post Class Blog- Bourdieu 7/11/12

During Wednesday's class we had the opportunity to work together in groups in order to comprehend different passages of Pierre Bourdieu's piece on Television. Ultimately he argues that what we see on the television may provide an illusion of freedom and free thought but in reality everything we see on the screen has been manipulated by corporate power and political interest, which relates back to "He who has the gold makes the rules"- Mark Vorkosigan. Bourdieu noted that "Then there is the fact that television more and more defines what Americans call the agenda (the issues up for discussion, the subjects of the editorials, important problems to be covered).." (256) In order to appeal to the largest audience on the other hand means that television companies cater to those with the shortest attention span and interesting enough we notice the political sound bites that are on repeat. Interestingly enough, these sound bites become "independent thought" to many and I noticed this particularly during this recent time of the political elections. We can't afford four more years, something I would hear on a day to day but asking my peers why exactly that was often i received no response or invalid comments. Therefore although we may assume we are free of independent thought, the media is very obviously a catalyst for views that are perpetuated through society. "They are always telling us what we "should think" about what they call "social problems".."(254) It is always interesting to take a look around to those who may have an influx of media texts in which that they consume on a day to day, but then also have the ability to research for themselves and understand whether or not those points are valid. Sometimes the most provocative conversations are with those who receive and analyze, rather than those (whom Herman and Chompsky would say) "opine and recline".

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