Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pierre Bourdieu Post Class 11/7/12

One of my favorite quote by Pierre is "Any journalist who want power influence has to have TV program. It is even possible for television journalist to get important positions in the printed press". I do get the sense that when something to be main stream and earn credibility is to be on TV. When we see something on Television it does has some kind of notion of that must be true. People and especially older generation groups believe that if something is on TV, it must to be true. However, in reality it is nor always the case. Today, mass medias are filled with false and bias information and images, yet people still do not like to believe mass medias have some problems with providing accurate information and images. 
Also, it seems like journals and articles lost their trust and credibility. It feels like articles and journals are powerless without TV. According to Pierre " If the printed press should happen to rise an issue- a scandal or a debate-it becomes central only when television takes it up and gives it full orchestration, and, thereby, political impact".

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