Thursday, September 27, 2012

Post class 9/26

“So called realistic representations can no longer evoke reality except as nostalgia or mockery.” This quote by Lyotard really tied into a lot of what we see in the media and especially on television today. Reality television is a huge part of culture these days; shows from Survivor to Jersey Shore all state the theme of reality. However we never really think how much reality do these shows actually have. People have to act in some ways even on reality tv because they are playing themselves, or who they want to be seen as. So the truth behind reality can be questioned. An example of this is the Real Housewives of Orange County. These high class rich women probably do have a lot of drama in their lives, but they way they are shown is almost like its scripted and they are playing a role, when it is considered reality. Here is a link to the trailer to a season:

Another quote was “the relation between ‘modern’ and ‘classical’ has definitely lost a fixed historical reference.” This was by Habermas. Habermas was confusing for me to understand, but a lot of the key quotes we talked about in class really helped. He was saying that the idea of ‘modern’ and ‘classical’ come from the same roots but have evolved differently. I also liked the quote, “the quote of the new.” This is so apparent in todays society, we are all about what is popular and “in” at the moment that we don’t even think for a second about if it really is the best, or if we are the best critics. An example is the iPhone like we said in class. It is popular amongst everyone, and it may be a great phone, but it also seems like people want it because other people have it. 

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