Sunday, September 30, 2012

Post class 9/26

Habermas brought in some concepts surrounding modern and post modern that we hadn't seen in class yet. One interesting way he viewed post modernism is not the effects of modern times but an "antimodernity". This is something I really had never looked at in that perspective. To me, post modernism is the way in which views shifted over time due to events and institutions. It seems that he is against the idea of post modernism altogether and dislikes what it strives to accomplish.
The next big point I found in our class discussion to be interesting is the part about having faith. We said that faith keeps a sense of security in a destabilized world, which I would have to completely and 100% agree with. Personally, I don't go to church or partake in any specific religious activities or gatherings, but I would classify myself as someone who has faith. I think it's almost necessary to believe in something because of the calmness and hope it can bring to someone's overall state of mind. There's a set of rules people tend to feel inclined to live under if they believe there's a power or being that will one day question their actions. This is what keeps our world somewhat living under standards of right and wrong.
Then there's the cult of the new, which we exemplified through the use of cell phones. Tae discusses the outburst of the organic lifestyle now and how it may be a negative. I agree with the idea that some of these new cults aren't always the best things for society. In the case technology I believe the cell phone has been an incredible break through and is an improved piece of life but there's also those things such as Facebook that bring along a lot of complications with them. The social media has boomed but its in return taken out a lot of peoples private lives. Nothing seems to be personal now a days, but in the case of Facebook that's a decision people make when they join.

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